Sunday, November 30, 2008

tweenies and fat chicks

took my nephew to the movies.  let him decide.  came down to either twilight or transporter 3.  he chose twilight.

all i can say is the vampires sparkle in the sun.   btw,  the audience was 99% tweenies and fat chicks.   'nuff said!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

obsession or compulsion??

so i have been going through this weird phase lately in which i really care about my handwriting. it started a few years ago when i began documenting patient care at work. I saw my paperwork one day and realized i was embarrassed to have someone look at it, for fear of what they may think of me. Plus all those images and scenarios i had played out in my head about hadwriting analysis since middle school didn't really help.

I buy pens on impulse, hoping that the next new one will be "the one", always to no avail. i have been researching caligraphy, looking for templates and such, and that has helped a bit. what has helped me the most is when i found an article on the web (don't ask me to link you there, i forgot). it gave tips on how to improve your hadwriting. it's been as simple as writing out the same sentence over, and over, and over. The sentence contains all the letters of the alphabet. you focus on one word at a time, anticipating the next letter, so you can transition between letters conciously. The article tells you that whether you plan to write in all caps, or text or cursive, writing this sentence will help (for the aforementioned reasons).

Anyways, back to my origional point. I now find myself writing this sentence over, and over, and over. at work, on my free-time, sometimes in my dreams too. I have also taken to writing song lyrics (not my songs, just favorites) over and over and over. . . you get the point.

Should I be concerned, or can i chalk it up to self improvement?

Friday, November 21, 2008

why i am here

over the past few weeks, i have been forced to concede that i can no longer continue to avoid technology. at first, my reluctance was a byproduct of fear; fear of making a fool of myself, but mostly a fear of trying new things. since i can honestly say that fear has not been a factor for some time now, my most recent excuse has been a feeling of pride. I didn't want to try so hard to fit in, that i wouldn't (if that makes sense??).

but anyways. . . . . recent events have prompted me to start considering things i wouldn't normally have before. I have recently started trying to date again! Unsuccesfully to this point, but i really haven't lost the nerve or enthusiasm like before, the previous times I'd met with rejection.

I have also been getting not so subtle hints from my family that I needed to start reaching out to people, stop being such a loner. (i hate to admit, but I recently forgot my niece's birthday)

I am not going to vow to post blogs every day, but i will try to do so on a consistent basis. I am open to all comments and criticism. In fact, i welcome them. All i ask is be honest (don't just post something mean for the sake of being mean)